
Brand values

Tone of voice


EmailOctopus uses two main colours: Purple and Aqua.

  • #81409b

  • #00b8c3

We also use the following additional colours for backgrounds and typography.


  • #f8f9ff

  • #1a1a1a

Gradients are also regularly used for backgrounds.

  • linear-gradient(0deg,#00a1c1,#00c4af)


Open Sans Bold - 100px



SEO is a marketing tactic that costs five percent of overall budget but brings in more than 20 percent of revenue for many Fortune 500 companies, and yet very few of them prioritize it. Instead, while slowly changing, too many CMOS still favor paid search, which costs 20 percent and brings in… 20 percent. In search, businesses need to shift priorities. Now.

Link volume is one of the most powerful signals search engines use to rank websites. There’s a way to use links to generate better search results, but too many marketers rely on traditional (or even black hat) tactics that just don’t work anymore.
